Tuesday, November 23, 2010

They things they say

So there are somethings I write on the girls blog and somethings I forget or I don't want to include ;) I decided to start keeping track of the funny things they say even if If it's not something I love to hear because this is, after all, the girls blog.

Lately Rasa's in a kissing phase. She sees pictures of things on my laptop (babies or animals) and wants to kiss them. She sees babies or animals in person or in books and wants to kiss them. She sees just about anything and wants to kiss it. The past week or so she's been asking us to kiss her. "Kiss my elbow", "Kiss my nose", "Kiss my tummy". Last night she told Royce to "kiss my butt". Now I'm unsure how this evolved but today she stood in front of me, pointed to her butt and said, "Momma kiss my ass". I can promise you I don't point to my butt and say "kiss my ass" well ok I can't promise you that but I don't recall the last time I said something like that. Royce has never done that in front of me but I do have to tell you that the girls were with Royce for a few hours alone last night so anything is possible (kidding Royce!).

I had a shoot on Saturday and then after took some time to myself. When I came home at the end of the day Adia gave me a hug and then pointed to her hand to show me a tiny little scratch. She looked at me with a very serious face and said "Rasa owie" while pointing to her hand. I figured her hand must have gotten caught in-between Rasa's teeth and I gave Rasa a sad face and said "Oh Rasa that's not nice. Be gentle".

Today we were downstairs and I was cooking lunch in the kitchen. Adia walks in holding her hand up with the now almost invisible scratch and says "Lucy bite-en me". I said "Lucy bit you??" knowing that Lucy had been by my feet catching food scraps as I cooked the entire time we've been down there and she is the most docile little dog ever. The girls have tormented this poor dog and Lucy just takes it. Five more times Adia says that Lucy bit her.

Now I know why Rasa had that puzzled look on her face when I was telling her to be nice the other day! First she was framed and now Lucy!

Tonight after dinner Royce and the girls were up in their playroom and Adia walked up to him with a piece of a broken baby doll stroller. Royce asked her what happened and she said "Elmo broke it". When he questioned her she stuck with her story. A moment later Rasa started chiming in "Elmo broke it, Elmo broke it" backing up her Sister's story. Is this a look into my future?


Anonymous said...

LOL!! or should I say, 'LMAO!!'

Royce said...

=)!!!!! Love!